Frequently asked questions(FAQ’s):
a. What Is Homeopathy? The word Homeopathy is a Greek derivative Homoeo / Homeo (meaning similar) and Pathos (meaning suffering). Homeopathy is a system of medicine based on the principle of treating ‘like with like’ (Similia Similibus Currenter). Though the theory, ‘like can be treated with like’ has been postulated by Hippocrates (468 -377 BC), it wasn't until the work of Dr.Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) that the theory has been put to practical use. Since then Homeopathy has been researched thoroughly, developed extensively, tested time and again for its efficacy. b. Fundamental Principles ~Like cures like Homeopathy is based on the principle “Similia Similibus Currenter” meaning “Like Cures Like” whereby a substance which is capable of producing a disease like state in a health individual is administered to the patient, but in a very minute dose, to cure the similar disease. ~Treating the Whole Person Homeopathy is a holistic medicine aimed at treating the person as a whole rather than just the symptoms. In contrast to conventional medicine, a classical Homeopath tries to find a single remedy which could fit to treat the whole range of symptoms experienced by the sufferer. There are no disease specific medicines in Homeopathy, but there are specific remedies for each suffering individual. To make it simple to understand there is no specific medicine for Migraine, but a migraine remedy can be selected for Shane, Tom, Rebecca, Margaret etc. depending upon their individual presentation of symptoms. They may possibly receive 6 different remedies for their migraine complaints. Though all of them are labelled as migraine sufferers, each one of them experience and present the symptoms differently. To select a Homeopathic remedy for each one of these sufferers a Homeopath takes into consideration the character of the pain, what triggers the migraine episode, what makes the symptoms worse or better, family history, physical, mental and emotional personality of the sufferer etc which is unique to each patient. ~Do no harm first The first concern for anyone using any form of medicine is to know "If the medicine is safe?" Essentially all Homeopathic medicines are safe and can be effectively used by the whole family. As the medicine used in Homeopathic treatment is in very minute quantities there are no toxic effects of medicine. Homeopathic medicines are not tested on animals and are non addictive. c. Homeopathic Medicines Homeopathic medicines are derived mostly from plants, vegetables and mineral substances .During the process of preparation, all Homeopathic medicines undergo a mathematico-mechanical process called Potentization, where the crude substance is serially diluted hundreds and thousands of times till the required potency is reached. The potentization process liberates the essence and the life force of the source substance which could then be used as remedy when indicated. When indicated and given to a diseased individual this remedial life force stimulates the life forces and immune system of the human body bringing about a natural healing process. d. Disease Concept In Homeopathy: According to Homeopathic philosophy for any disease to occur in the body, the life force or vital force of the body has to be disturbed first. This deranged or disturbed life force is the true cause of all illnesses. This deranged life force makes the body susceptible to invading organisms causing disease and can also at the same time cause systemic dysfunctions which may lead to chronic disorders and its symptoms. So mere treating of symptoms without rectifying the deranged life force will tend to give you only temporary relief, leaving the body susceptible for repeated attacks. When an indicated Homeopathic medicine is given to a diseased individual, it rectifies the deranged life force, triggering the healing process and leaving the body to heal itself. This is the level of action of Homeopathic remedies. An indicated Homeopathic medicine is called a remedy as it tries to remedy the cause of the disease rather than just keep medicating the symptoms. e. How does a Homeopathic remedy work? Homeopathic medicines act by stimulating the body’s own healing mechanism and allowing the body to rectify the underlying root cause of the disease by itself thus helping to bring rapid, gentle and long lasting restoration of health. f. Scope of Homeopathy Most common acute and chronic disorders can respond well to Homeopathic treatments. Acute conditions like common cold, fever, diarrhoea etc.., chronic conditions like arthritis, eczema, irritable bowel syndrome, urinary disorders, sexual disorders, women’s problems etc, and recurring conditions like migraines, sinusitis, allergies, etc, can be effectively treated using Homeopathy. Surgery and Homeopath : Homeopathy respects Surgery as an art and science in itself and recommends surgical intervention when and where necessary. Though Homeopathy cannot replace surgery, it can be used in certain conditions labeled as ‘surgical’ like Renal calculi (kidney stones-small), Gall stones(small), certain Tumors (such as Ganglion), Tonsillitis, Warts, Callosities, Piles, Sinusitis, Polyps in ear and nose etc with effective results. It may also help to prevent future occurrence of certain surgical conditions. It can also be used to treat the after effects of surgery (like pains, infections, unusual sensations etc) and to hasten the healing process after surgery and fractures. Emergencies and Homeopathy: Homeopathy has no scope of treatment during emergencies. But, it can be effectively used during the period of recovery after an emergency situation. g. Benefits Of Using Homeopathy: There are multi fold benefits in using Homeopathy. Some of them are as follows: -Homeopathy treats the root cause of disease rather than symptoms alone. -Homeopathic treatment is based on natural principles. -No unnecessary side effects. -Can be used by all age groups. -Homeopathy may help to prevent the disease conditions you are prone to acquire in the later stages of life. -Can be used along with conventional medicine at most of the times. -Non addictive. h. Can Homeopathy Be Used Along With Conventional Treatments? Homeopathy can be effectively used along with conventional medicines in most of the situations. Your Homeopath will address this issue during the consultation. For further information or to schedule an appointment, please contact our clinic. |